I'm so excited about all I got done at the quilting retreat this weekend...unfortunately I can't show more than this tiny sneak preview! Thank you @anotherproudgrandma for inviting me!
Nothing says Happy Birthday like @mollyscupcakes right? @meredithb21 you will have to wait to see what flavor I picked out for you! #stillcantbelieveshes13 #ithinkimindenial
What an interesting time to live in Iowa. I can't think of any other time that both Hillary and Demi Lovato will be just down the street from my workplace... #whowillicaucusfor #iowacaucus #campaign2016
Ack-starting a bullet journal. I don't have nice enough handwriting for this! Wait...maybe that should be a goal for my journal! #bulletjournalchallenge #planwithmechallenge