The IMS baseball team made it to state, so we played last night at Principle Park in Des Moines. The game was supposed to start at 8:00 p.m., but the 6:00 game was postponed over an hour and a half due to rain, which meant that our game start time was 10:15 - at night!!! We were very fortunate to be staying really close to the ballpark, so the team and the kids and I didn't leave the comfort of the hotel until we needed to...thank goodness we didn't have to sit in a cold ballpark while we waited for the rain to clear. I have a few pictures to post here and some links. IMS won in 5 innings (12-0) - a great game to start the state tournament with! The first link is to the IMS website - there are some good pictures of the game last night: http://www.iamenno.pvt.k12.ia.us/baseball.htm. The second link is for a video highlight of last nights game. Click on the "IMS No-Hits Gehlen Catholic" words and it will go through a highlight of the game. http://www.iowastatebaseballchampionships.com/aspx/videoclips.aspx
It's pretty cool! Here are my pictures - not very professional, but it's the best that my camera and I can do!