Well, the weekend is over now, and it just flew right by. We were so glad to have Jim and Bev here to visit and help us celebrate Jesse's birthday. They got here on Friday night and were here until Monday morning. We were happy that they were able to be here for at least a few days, even though the time went by quickly.
On Saturday we went out to eat in the evening to one of our new favorite restaurants - Texas Roadhouse. Since the wait for a table was an hour and a half, we went to a nearby Wal-Mart to do a little shopping. Jim & Tami, thanks for the gift cards and valentines goodies for the kids. Meredith's gift card was burning a hole in her pocket, so she was so excited when she found out that she would be able to use it on Saturday night. The term "kid in a candy store" definitely applied to Meredith as she walked through the toy aisles at the store. After much deliberation, she finally decided on getting a learning & games laptop "computer" and a princess cell phone. I'm not positive, but I think she may have slept with the computer, and I know she slept with the cell phone that night. Needless to say, she was tickled with her purchases.
On Sunday at noon we had the birthday party for Jesse and for his 1st cousin Grace, who turned 10 on Jan. 17th. We had a good time eating, watching football, and watching Grace and Jesse enjoy their presents and cakes. (Hopefully Jim & Bev didn't feel overrun by my family, who can be quite talkative at times!) :) Jesse didn't really know what to do with his cake. He didn't seem to like having the frosting on his hands, and wasn't too sure about actually eating the frosting and cake. I have uploaded a video below of him and his cake. The pictures on the left of the screen are from his birthday and party. Thank you to everyone for the gifts that you got for Jesse and for being with him on his birthday - whether in your thoughts or in person.