Monday, June 30, 2008

Back Again!

Well, I'm back to posting. I took a long break but am hoping to get back into the rhythm of posting frequently.

Life among the corn and bean fields of Iowa is progressing at an alarming rate. What has happened since my last post?
- We took a week long trip to South Bend in April.
- Kent and I got to take a mini-vacation to Cleveland, OH at the end of April for Brian Gordon's wedding. The kids stayed with my parents at home.
- Kent began baseball practice in late April, and games began in mid May. He is the head varsity coach at Iowa Mennonite School (my alma mater.)
- My niece Alyssa graduated from Iowa Mennonite School in May - Yeah!
- Meredith finished preschool at the end of May and is now fully accustomed to the summer routine, or lack thereof.
- Vacation Bible School at our church was at the beginning of June: Meredith loved her teachers and her class, I taught a wonderful 1-2 grade class with both my niece Gretta and nephew Zach in the class, and Jesse enjoyed the babysitting provided during the week.
- Jim and Bev visited for a long weekend: they got to see Meredith sing in the Bible School program, and were able to go to a baseball tournament and see Kent's team play. Unfortunately they also saw the only loss so far for the baseball team.
- Father's Day was a treat this year because we got to see and be with both our fathers.
- We were troubled to see what has happened to Southeast Iowa due to flooding. Cedar Rapids and Iowa City have now begun the long process of cleaning up and rebuilding, but it is a long, dirty road ahead.
- We had anticipated missing my parents during their 3-month adventure/vacation in Alaska. Unfortunately, my dad fell 10 feet to a cement floor last Monday and broke his knee cap...which means that the Alaska trip is postponed for this year.
- Interspersed with all of this has been baseball games, a few rain-outs, and more baseball games.
Reading back over these things, I realize that it doesn't look like much has happened with Jesse. He's been growing and changing throughout everything. He likes his routine, but is also able to roll with the punches...usually. His cutest trick right now is howling like a coyote - I'll try to get a video of it to post - it's adorable!

That's all for now - please post a comment if you read this. I don't know if anyone even checks our blog anymore since it has been so long since the last update. So if you're out there reading this, post something so I know...


1 comment:

bets said...

I love to hear about your life!!
Isn't it amazing to see how fast it moves and how slow it moves at the exact same time!!
Enjoy it!
your older and not wiser sis...