Wednesday night Taylor was over for supper and I sent her, Meredith and Jesse out to the garden to pick lettuce for salads. Apparently while they were out there Meredith went missing.

Where was she? In my mom's garden picking flowers.
And flowers.
And more flowers.
(Yes, there are 10 little "vases" with flowers in them!)

When they came inside, Meredith got all these little glasses out of my china cabinet and separated and arranged all the flowers in the glasses. All by herself. I didn't even have to tell her which ones she could use.
Mom, I figured you wouldn't mind. Considering you won't be in your garden again until September!

pretty flowers. . .and i just wanted to let you know that my mother is a devoted listener to your blog's playlist. . . she leaves it open all day--if it weren't for this music. . . who knows WHAT she'd be listening to! (we're VERY thankful for this playlist. . . compared to some of her alternatives:) )
I'm told to not mess with the playlist anymore...or there will be dire consequences. (Specifically the first song. If it was up to me, it would have been gone long ago, but I decided it's not a battle I want to fight at this moment in time!)
But...are there any songs you want me to add for your listening pleasure?
Your daughter is a spitting image of you! She is adorable and great with flower arrangements :)
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