Tuesday, January 6, 2009

To Florida They Go

Well it's official.

My parents are leaving for Florida in just a few days.

I knew this would be coming.

But I'm still not ready for them to be gone.

For. So. Long.

Just this morning my mom got the go-ahead from her doctor.

Mom and Dad, we'll miss you terribly.

But I don't blame you for wanting to get to see this.


Theresa said...

You know, they could stay and just watch the travel channel to get their "southern" fix? We could turn on the oven to 500 and just keep opening up the door every 15 minutes to experience a heat wave!

I don't see the difference.

Theresa said...

A little clarification for everyone who reads the above comment...that is Kent's comment. Not Theresa's. Maybe Kent should either sign his comments or get his own google account... ;)


Mary and Wilbur Litwiller said...

Good info but the scenery is just not the same. Smell the sea air, no coats- can't wait.