Wow...10 years ago today Kent proposed to me.
And I said yes.

We were in seniors in college at Goshen, and he took me to Chicago for shopping and supper at an awesome restaurant, Red Fish. Neither of us had ever been to Red Fish, but he knew that I loved New Orleans and cajun food, so that's where we went.
And who did we run into while waiting for a table? My good friend Amy and her husband Ryan. Who just happened to be in Chicago on the same night and have a reservation...long before ours.
So we ate supper with Amy and Ryan...while Kent sweated bullets. I think I remember him not talking very much and not eating very much. The not talking part isn't too surprising. The not eating part is very surprising. Very surprising indeed!
Now, I knew why we were there. I knew he had a ring. I knew what he was going to ask. But I hadn't ever seen the ring. And I didn't know exactly when or how he would ask.
After supper Kent asked if I wanted to take a walk. In the
windy city (note the emphasis on windy!) In February. In the dark. And the cold.
Why didn't I have a warmer coat then? And why was I wearing a dress instead of something sensible like jeans?
But of course I was thrilled to go for a walk. In the cold. And the wind.
So we walked to the corner of 2 streets that had significance, but I have now forgotten what streets they actually were.
And he got down on one knee.
And asked me to be in his life. Forever.
And I said yes.
And I was thrilled.

10 years later...
3 homes later...
2 kids later...
too many jobs to count later...
I'm still thrilled to be in his life.
